Welcome to Customer Experience and Engagement!
Customer Engagement is crucial when it comes to creating an excellent customer experience - at Columbus our CRM consultants can help you to strategically create the perfect customer experience. We guide our customers in which tools to use to be able to predict and outdo their own customer's expectations. For over 10 years we have supported companies of different sizes and in different industries to improve their customer engagement. 🏆
Do you want to join us? Our business area is growing and we want you to be a part of our journey. 🚀
No match in our vacant positions? Connect with us to stay updated with new vacant positions in the CRM-team.
Jag har en bred och varierande roll. Jag är projektledare, affärskonsult och ibland arbetar jag i applikationen eller håller utbildning vilket jag gillar! Jag har fått möjlighet att jobba inom olika områden och jag har fått testa mig fram till det jag gillar. Styrkan i min roll är att jag får jobba brett och testa vad jag tycker är roligast!
Emma Persson
Where do you fit in?
Senior Business Consultant - Microsoft D365 CE - Malmö
Customer Experience & Engagement · Malmö · Hybrid
Senior Business Consultant - Microsoft D365 CE - Göteborg
Customer Experience & Engagement · Göteborg · Hybrid
Senior Business Consultant - Microsoft D365 CE - Stockholm
Customer Experience & Engagement · Stockholm · Hybrid
Business Consultant - Microsoft CRM
Customer Experience & Engagement · Multiple locations · Hybrid
What makes us special?
Working with the latest technologies
We are partners with global market leaders such as Microsoft and Salesforce. We are always up to date with the latest updates, and are offered opportunities to participate in courses and conferences. -
We are growing!
With over 10 years of experience supporting customers in improving their customer engagement we have a strong position - and we keep growing! This enables the opportunity to work with global customers, in exciting projects together with highly skilled (and highly fun) colleagues. -
Work-life balance
Kids that need to be dropped off at school? Want to workout during lunch time? No problem, at Columbus we value our colleagues as well as their family and free-time. By freedom with responsibility you decide yourself how you dispose your time! Work-life balance is what makes us as a team successful.